October 31, 2004

October 28, 2004

An Introduction to Cluster Ballooning

Lawn chairs? No. Proper harnesses, please.

October 27, 2004

Milner's Descriptive Atlas, 1850

Nice old maps at decent resolution.

October 26, 2004

Best Photos of 2004

Who am I to disagree? These photos rock.

October 23, 2004

Get your MP3 fix

MP3 4U has only free and legal stuff.
Meanwhile, AllOfMP3 has non-free stuff cheap.

October 22, 2004

TV-B-Gone: status report

The good news: Web site back up, finally.
The bad news: All out of stock, not taking orders yet.

Your Friday joke roundup

Including the gem
A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: “That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen.” The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: “That driver just insulted me!” The man says: “You go right up there and tell him off – go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you.”

October 21, 2004


From the wild world of Edward Tufte.

Dyslexic Phishing

Today I got this rather amusing attempt at a phishing email. It, ah, speaks for itself. Use "view source" to be further amused.

De‮ra‬ Ci‮nabit‬k Mem‮eb‬r,

T‮sih‬ em‮ia‬l was s‮tne‬ by the Citi‮nab‬k se‮revr‬ to v‮fire‬y y‮ruo‬ em‮lia‬ a‮erdd‬ss. You m‮tsu‬ com‮elp‬te t‮sih‬ pro‮ssec‬ by cl‮nikci‬g

on the li‮kn‬ bel‮wo‬ and ent‮ire‬ng in the s‮llam‬ win‮od‬w y‮uo‬r Cit‮abi‬nk ATM-D‮tibe‬ C‮dra‬ num‮reb‬ and P‮NI‬ th‮ta‬ you use on A‮MT‬.

Th‮si‬ is do‮en‬ for yo‮ru‬ protect‮oi‬n - b‮ace‬use so‮em‬ of our mem‮eb‬rs no long‮re‬ ha‮ev‬ a‮ssecc‬ to t‮eh‬ir ema‮li‬ ad‮serd‬s and we

mu‮ts‬ v‮ire‬fy it.

To ve‮ir‬fy y‮uo‬r ema‮li‬ a‮rdd‬ess and a‮secc‬s y‮uo‬r ba‮kn‬ acc‮nuo‬t, c‮kcil‬ on the l‮ni‬k b‮le‬ow:


Not only is it illegible, the URL features a triple Google redirect to nowhere at all.

October 20, 2004

Webnote - an online tool for taking notes

More collaborative editing online, but with XSS vulnerabilities added!

Skinning Gmail with a Custom Stylesheet

Presumably this could be adapted to any other web site you care about. Mmm, Slashdot.

City of Palo Alto: Creek Monitor

I blogged it last year, and now that the rains are upon us I'll blog it again.

October 19, 2004

Just Letters

Flash app of the week.

October 18, 2004

Winning the Oil Endgame

I just heard a talk from this guy. Fascinating.

October 14, 2004

I love machine translation

Tacos Al Pastor. Note the sixth ingredient. Don't try this in your kitchen, kids.

October 12, 2004

Subdivide your sphere

The Hierarchical Triangular Mesh has some handy properties, methinks.

October 11, 2004

Advanced debugging tips and stuff you never knew about the "Find" combo box

Wooo. This week's other hot Windows tip is that you can press Ctrl+C in a MessageBox dialog to copy all the text to the clipboard. The question remains: why didn't I already know this?


I've used Identifont for a while, but this kicks Identifont's rear.

Another reason to buy "The Sims"

Games don't make people violent. Violent people make people violent. Or something.

Dad's home!

For your Monday Flash viewing pleasure.

October 10, 2004

October 09, 2004

Dell power adapter recall

The affected adapters were shipped with Latitude, Inspiron and Precision M40 notebooks 9/1998-2/2002.
  1. Part number is 09364U, 04983D or 07832D
  2. Manufacturer is Delta Electronics (mine is Astec China - yay, I'm not affected!)

October 08, 2004

Party Ben's Sixx Mixx

More available at his web site. They are all rather cool in various ways, and if you're within range of Live105 then you can catch the new ones on Fridays, 6-630pm...
(Thanks, Boom Selection via DJ French Bloke)

October 07, 2004

October 06, 2004

Now in MP2 format

But where's episode 3? (Episode 1 was also here)
Update: There are torrents, but they don't work for me :(
Further update: Episode 3 is here but called episode 2.

October 05, 2004

ASCII Generator

In case you need to generate huge ASCII text.

Bushism DVD Promo video


Drive from LA to NY in 4 minutes

Slow download, but definitely worth watching.

October 04, 2004

The Household Cyclopedia

Or, "how to kill yourself, your pets and your friends, using heavy metals and other dubious remedies". Watch out for horses with farcy, glanders, spavins, wind-galls, cribbiting, and other disorders. Dog got mange? Mercurial ointment. Distemper? Try opium. I find it odd that females have their own class of diseases, yet males do not. Don't try this at home, kids.

October 01, 2004

Recipe 23021 --- Beaver in Sour Cream

Tasty? I doubt it.

How To Write Unmaintainable Code

New code style guidelines for the masses: the naming part is particularly entertaining.

Use accented characters on variable names. E.g.

typedef struct { int i; } ínt;

where the second ínt's í is actually i-acute. With only a simple text editor, it's nearly impossible to distinguish the slant of the accent mark.